
La Riché launched Directions Hair Dye in 1981 with a fab pick of semi-permanent hair colours that take been tried and tested by an ever growing and fiercely loyal following over the course of the last 32 years. This vibrant range of pilus dyes is still super popular, and with good reason.

For starters, here are a few good-to-know tidbits straight from the horse'due south mouth:

- Not tested on animals
- Vegan friendly
- Lasts for 12 months once opened
- Does non incorporate ammonia or peroxide

Considering these hair dyes are semi permanent you can commonly await the colour to last for effectually to 6-viii weeks, depending on which colour yous go for and the status of your pilus. So yous've probably merely finished the bleaching/pre lightening stage, which is of form not very skilful for your hair; thankfully Directions hair dye is a lot gentler and then its harsh chemical-based counterpart.

The colour chart

The directions hair dye colour chart


  • If lightening your hair (which is recommended for best results): make sure you utilize a hot oil or intense conditioner. This will go out an oily layer so make sure to shampoo before dying.
  • It is a adept thought to wear gloves: you can get abroad with not wearing any with some of the lighter colours but I would recommend getting into the addiction of ever wearing them.
  • Use a tinting castor: highly recommended for the first awarding and if using more than one color. It volition help you to be more precise and achieve a good even coverage.
  • It's a good idea to have a dedicated t shirt for dyeing your hair: this volition save your clothes from getting dye on.
  • Once the pilus dye is applied, cover pilus in cling moving-picture show or a shower cap: this prevents the dye from drying out, keeps your head nice and warm, helps the color to develop, and prevents y'all getting dye everywhere.
  • Y'all don't demand to shampoo afterwards you lot've rinsed the dye out: but I notice a tiny bit loosens the piffling actress bit of dye which would only cease upward on your pillow if you didn't do this.
  • For long lasting colour try to avert washing your hair with hot h2o: the colder the better, which will non only keep the dye from washing out but information technology also leaves your pilus shiny.
  • Switch to a gentle shampoo (PH balanced): such as natural/herbal shampoo or what I opt for is baby shampoo; this is sold everywhere and is very inexpensive.
  • Try to keep pilus products and straightening/curling irons to a minimum: I know this is easier said than done merely it really does help and information technology generally means you don't need to wash your hair so frequently.
  • I found swapping my very hot straightener for one with temperature control has really helped the condition of my hair and does non bear upon the colour, meaning I can fashion it more often. Yay!
  • Treat your hair color and the dye as though they are ii paint colours yous are going to mix together: e.g. Lagoon Bluish on hair which is still a brassy colour will get greener then on the chart because you are mixing blue and yellow together.
  • If you think your pilus volition not become white/stake enough for the colour you lot desire: I recommend using the white toner to lift the brassy tones and give you a meliorate base of operations.
  • White toner tin also be used to dilute colours: e.g. Carnation Pinkish dilutes into a very pretty candy floss pinkish.
  • All the colours can be mixed together: which means you're not limited by what you see on the nautical chart. I mixed apricot and tangerine together to achieve the orange I desired (pictured beneath).
  • Always take face up wipes handy: for getting dye off your face and neck; make up remover will also do and if you have very bad luck and become badly stained utilise a facial scrub.
  • It's useful to put a fiddling household bleach on a sponge before yous start to quickly wipe upwards any drips on the flooring and other surfaces.
  • Don't over load the brush: and try to avoid any drips.
  • Don't mix with peroxide: as all it will do is stop the colour from working properly and may hinder the terminate result.

My colourful pilus in chronological order

My flamingo pink hair
Flamingo Pink

My flamingo pink hair in a robot constume
Flamingo pink in robot costume…^^^

My violet hair

My apricot, tangerine and flamingo pink hair
Apricot mixed westward/ Tangerine and Flamingo

My turquoise hair
Turquoise: me today...hullo!

I recollect years ago finding the thought of bleaching my whole head the scariest thing ever…as you tin meet I changed my mind. Simply yous don't have to dye your whole head; for years I just had the bottom half of my caput dyed and a little slice nether my fringe (it was really absurd when I wore it in an updo The possibilities are endless, for example you could effort whatsoever of the following:

  • Dip dye
  • Ombre
  • Just your fringe
  • A side section (peeks out when hairs downward and becomes a strip of color whens hairs upwards)
  • One one-half, top, lesser,left, right or both halves different colours

Get artistic! Subsequently you lot've dyed your pilus for the outset time the possibilities will seem infinite. Browse the internet for inspiration or but go for it; I tend to do a bit of both. My majestic hair happened soon after the movie Kick Ass …who doesn't want to be Hit-Girl from time to time? The orange and pink was just because I have always loved those colours together...any yous cease up doing be prepared for a lot of friends - and indeed strangers - telling you they love your hair (I mainly go middle anile men shouting 'I really similar your pilus dearest' across the road at me…only we can't all exist that lucky)... information technology volition get a habit and may take over your life! Have Fun!

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